Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Blogger sucks!

Damn this blogger service! It's just swallowed several of my recent posts!

There was a "What I cooked for our friends" numbers 1 and 2 before number 3. It had deleted a lot more and a republish-entire-blog managed to get something back but this still sucks donkey big time. I think I might have to move this woefully under-attended blog elsewhere. Maybe I can find some small corner to put it on le petit jardin, using Mambo.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

What I cooked for our friends #3

Now you're going to think that my life is one long round of dinner parties, but have you noticed that all these posts are about meals I have cooked but not one is about being invited to someone elses place to sample their cooking? Eh?! (but see footnote) Must say a lot about my personality I guess, but I digress.

Tonight we had Ruth & Ian to dinner so turning once more to Dennis Cotter's Paradiso Seasons we had pumpkin gnocchi, not that he called it that of course. No, it was (and I quote) "Pumpkin gnocchi with spinach in a roasted garlic cream". Quite a short title for Dennis. I left out the chives because I forgot to go and pick them from the garden, but the pumpkin was one we'd harvested a few weeks earlier from the pumpkin patch before it took over the bottom half of the garden and the shed.

And though I got the pumpkin part right, it was still a very wet dough that took a lot of flour to firm up to a gnocchi consistency. I've tried this before and got it wrong but I thought I was on a better track this time. Oh well, it was alright in the end.

Footnote: Last night we did go round to a friends. It was meant to be a quick drink before dinner, but Paul had accidentally made some onion, mushroom and cauliflower bhajis and some garlic mayo. Unfortunately the seven bottles of wine between the three of us rather overshadowed the food. In fact it overshadowed the last two bottles of wine - I mean, some sort of safety mechanism should kick in when you reach for the warm cava at 1am. Where is the nanny state when you need it most?