En Français...

I'm in France for a weeks holiday and market chasing. I'm going to try and blog as much as I can here.
First up, a quick stop at a small supermarket to get some basics. It's late on a Saturday after a 600 mile drive through rain so heavy that you needed full speed wipers and a prayer to get past the HGV's on the autoroute, so I make no excuse for using a supermarket. Somehow the smaller supermarkets here don't leave you with the same feelings of dirt that they do in the UK, or the sense of being ripped off that you get in small convenience stores. When was the last time you saw fresh cep mushrooms in a Spar or Londis?!
A quick trip round the aisles and we've got some beer, salad, tomatoes and a couple of passable loaves of bread. And the aforementioned ceps. Why can't we get these in the UK? They're native to most of northern Europe; in Italy they're porcini or "little pigs" and in Britain they're known as "Penny Buns" - it's not often you get those words together is it? Anyway they're for breakfast tomorrow.
Tonight it's a quick pasta dish. Diced aubergine, onion and peppers, fried, thrown into some cooked pasta with some homemade pesto we'd brought, made from some surplus basil.
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